5 Questions for Mark Gammon

October 31, 2007
Mark Gammon, assistant professor of religion, has been teaching at Simpson for the past five years.
The reason he likes teaching at Simpson is he believes that regular interactions with students make Simpson unique. Also, he has always wanted to teach at a small liberal arts college like Simpson.
Gammon comes from Richmond, Va. He received his bachelor of arts from Hampden- Sydney College. He went on to receive his Masters degree from Duke University, and his Ph.D. in theology from Boston College.
The reason he believes the area of theology is so interesting to him, is because he believes that it is a subject that provides the most insight into people’s behavior.
When Gammon is not teaching, he likes playing the guitar, cooking, and cheering for the Boston Red Socks.
His favorite food is real barbeque, especially the kind he likes to make in his free time. In fact, a big reason he says he moved to the Midwest is that, he has a “…deep and abiding love for corn and pork.”