5 Questions for Barb Ramos

November 28, 2007
Barb Ramos, assistant professor of education, has been teaching at Simpson for four years. She began her teaching career as an elementary teacher and counselor and was teaching college courses part-time for 15 years.
“Teaching part-time made the transition easy to move to full time professor,” Ramos said. “The move from teaching in elementary to college is more similar than ever to imagine.”
She came to Simpson because she loves the high quality teaching.
“Simpson is not a research school,” Ramos said. “I love the small classroom size and that it’s a good way to get to know the students outside the classroom as well. You can be involved in every aspect of college life.”
At Simpson she teaches Foundations of Education, Human Growth and Development, Classroom Management, and Children within Families, Schools and the Community.
She received her bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Central College. She then moved on to receive her master’s degree in elementary school counseling at Eastern Kentucky University. Then she went to Drake University to receive her specialist degree in education leadership and then Iowa State for her Ph. D. in education leadership.
In her free time, Ramos enjoys spending time with her husband, Rich Ramos, assistant dean for student activities, and their daughter, Marissa. She enjoys reading murder mystery books, driving her daughter to different activities she’s involved in and going to Jimmy Buffet concerts with her husband.