PRSSA hosts competition to date

February 13, 2008
Simpson’s chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America put on a “Simpson’s Most Eligible” contest Monday, Feb. 11 in the BSC.
“Simpson’s Most Eligible”, was modeled after the game show on MTV “Singled Out.” By receiving the most votes through a campus-wide e-mail search, Simpson’s most eligible bachelor and bachelorette were chosen. Sophomore Bailey Harris and junior Kyle Liske were picked as the most eligible, date worthy material.
“The point of ‘Simpson’s Most Eligible’ was simply for entertainment purposes only,” sophomore Sara Crouse, member of PRSSA and head of the event, said. “The winning contestants received gift cards for their participation.”
Harris and Liske had the chance to ask their three contestants each a various array of humorous questions. The contestants were not seen and thus remained out of the view of Harris and Liske. Once the bachelor and bachelorette had the opportunity to ask their contestants questions concerning their dating skills, the losers and winners were revealed. Sophomore Lauren Anderson and junior Michael Ray were the final choices of the bachelor and bachelorette.
“This event was important because it gives Simpson students an opportunity for some good humored entertainment,” Crouse said. “The students participating were well-known, highly involved students on campus and thus made for an entertaining atmosphere.”
Members of PRSSA hosted the event and helped with all of the logistics of the night. Crouse and sophomore Sara Harl were the heads of the event. Sophomore Derek Schutjer emceed and other PRSSA members helped set up the event up and tear down afterward.
“The event was first thought of by PRSSA members brainstorming some creative forms of entertainment on campus,” Crouse said. “The Goodwill Fashion show generates a great audience, and as an organization PRSSA wants to create bigger events. The Homecoming Tailgating Party was a great start for the year, and an event such as “Simpson’s Most Eligible” seemed like a great addition.”
Harris, voted most eligible bachelorette, heard her nomination as a member of PRSSA.
“Sara [Crouse] contacted me and asked if I was willing to participate and I said ‘why not’,” Harris said. “Honestly, it was a lot of fun and some good entertainment. It was great publicity for PRSSA.”
Liske, voted most eligible bachelor, also heard about his nomination through friends.
“I saw the e-mail and the flyer, and a friend text[ed] me later saying that I was receiving a lot of votes,” Liske said. “I think it’s really nice but a little embarrassing. Everybody wants to be wanted. I had fun going out there and entertaining people.”
PRSSA hoped everyone enjoyed the event.
“This was a great opportunity to watch your fellow students search for love with unknown contestants,” Crouse said. “The event promised to keep you laughing.”