Simpson Bible study groups discuss God’s role in their lives

February 6, 2008
There are several Bible study groups on campus, including the men’s, women’s and co-ed groups. Every week, they meet and discuss religious issues that affect their lives.
Freshman Elissa Crawford, one of the girls in charge of the women’s Bible study, explains that a relationship with God is a key discussion among members.
“[It] concentrates on our purpose in life by having a relationship with God,” Crawford said.
The women’s group consists of about 8-10 girls who want to get to know God a little better. Members note that anyone interested in gaining a closer relationship with God is welcome to come to the study, which meets at 8 p.m. in Dirlam Lounge.
Freshman Bethany Hickman enjoys being a part of Bible study. She is personally able to relate to their discussion topics, as do her peers.
“We talk a lot about our role in society and how parts of culture create fears and insecurities that women shouldn’t be dealing with,” Hickman said.
Hickman also says that you are not judged on what church or denomination you come from.
“A lot of time people get caught up in the differences between denominations,” Hickman said.
Some of the issues discussed at group meetings include growing solid friendships, the fear of abandonment and the subject of beauty. They discuss not only physical beauty but the growth of spiritual beauty, as well. Group members hope to build stronger relationships with God.
“Once you get to know Him better, it spans out onto your other relationships,” Hickman said.
Currently, the women’s group is reading “Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul.” The book deals with issues faced by women in general. The group has been working with an activity book titled, “Embracing God’s Design For Your Life.”
Sophomore Nick Savov is of the leaders in charge of men’s Bible study. The group is now in its second semester, and currently consists of about seven-to-eight males who meet every Tuesday night at 8 p.m. in Dirlam for discussion. Their topics are open and vary from discussing the Bible to the role of men in society.
“I enjoy learning more about God and the Bible,” Savov said. “We discuss whatever the guys want to talk about. You get to voice your opinion and listen to other’s opinions.”
The third Bible study on campus, open to coeds, meets at 7 p.m. on Thursday in Dirlam.