FlipSide Face

September 25, 2008
Senior Kendra Frush doesn’t have any trouble getting involved with life at Simpson College. Originally from Jesup, Iowa, Frush is involved with Residence Life, Student Government, Simpson swim team and acts as a Microbiology lab assistant, Destination Leader and President of Omnicron Delta Kappa – to name just a few of her activities.
Frush is a Biochemistry and Math double major looking to enter medical school next fall. While in the process of sending applications off in hopes of positive responses, Frush wastes no time building her resume for the future.
“My ultimate goal is to someday be involved with world health issues. I would love to be a part of Doctors Without Borders where I’d be serving the underprivileged or working with infectious diseases,” Frush said.
This past summer, Frush spent three and a half months in Ghana with Projects Abroad volunteering her time in local hospitals. She helped the staff check vitals, draw blood, observe surgeries and even deliver babies.
“My time spent in Ghana, as well as in Namibia for May Term, definitely confirmed my desires to become a doctor,” Frush said. “I loved being taken out of my comfort zone and being completely immersed within another culture. I got the chance to meet new friends in rural villages and truly expose myself to their way of life.”
Frush highly recommends taking the chance to study abroad. Whether it’s within a May Term, semester or even a summer, she said the opportunity to learn more about other cultures and even learn more about herself was the chance of a lifetime.
When she’s not traveling the world, Frush enjoys reading, playing the piano and playing sports of all kinds.
Her roles as captain of the women’s swim team and senior senator for Student Government Association this year have managed to keep her busy, as well as give her leadership positions where she can voice her opinion to the Simpson community.
“Being so involved with different groups has allowed me to meet new people and make great memories here at Simpson,” Frush said. “I work hard, but I have fun too!”
If you can’t find Frush in her Station Square apartment performing Residence Life duties, you will more than likely find her in the Carver Atrium – her favorite place to study up for her lifelong dream of becoming a doctor.