Early Voting

October 22, 2008
As the 2008 presidential election approaches, many Warren County residents and Simpson College students are getting anxious about voting.
On Oct. 8, those registered in Warren County were able to vote early in the BSC. The polls were open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to accommodate students’ schedules.
According to Warren County Auditor Traci Vanderlinden, there were 246 absentee ballots filled out at the early voting session.
“I would say the majority of the voters were college students,” Vanderlinden said.
Simpson students were informed about absentee voting earlier in the semester by signs posted around campus. Also, students campaigned for candidates in front of Dunn Library.
“It’s kind of hard not to notice the signs around campus,” junior Carl Davidson said.
Free items such as sunglasses, buttons and stickers were also given out to students to show their support for a candidate and raise interest in the early voting process.
Many Simpson students, like Davidson, voted early so they wouldn’t have to worry about doing it in November.
“Well, mainly I don’t believe my opinions are going to change that much in one month,” Davidson said. “I wanted to get it off my list of things to do.”
Sophomore Kelsey Johnston also decided to vote early.
“I voted early because, first of all, it’s easier and also, because I already knew who I was going to vote for,” Johnston said. “This seemed like the best way to do it.”
Although students had the opportunity to vote early, some students are still deciding who they are going to vote for. Those who have their mind made up about a candidate are now helping others realize the importance of voting.
“I think it’s a really important election this year, and it’s a really big opportunity for college students to get out and make a difference,” sophomore Alyssa Keninger said.
Keninger also encourages students to vote because this is a time to voice their opinions.
“It’s time we start getting some of our issues heard,” Keninger said.
Students who have not yet voted should remember the presidential candidates won’t be the only ones on the ballot.
Johnston wants other students to remember offices other than the presidential office will be included on the ballot.
“There are more people than just the presidential candidates on there [the ballot],” Johnston said. “If you plan to vote for other people as well, like senators, I would make sure to research those people as well.”
According to sophomore Kayla Hamilton, false advertisements and campaigns can make it difficult for voters to know a candidate’s true stance on an issue. She recommended students look further into the presidential candidates’ proposed plans to determine fact from rumor about candidates.
“Get your facts straight and think about the decision that you’re making and the consequences it could have for our country’s future,” sophomore Kayla Hamilton said.
If students missed the opportunity to vote early, they can vote by absentee ballot at the Warren County Administration Building or on Election Day, Nov. 4.