Four people arrested after party in Simpson’s Detroit Apartments

January 30, 2009
Four people, including two Simpson students and one student coach, were arrested Jan. 17 after a party in Detroit Apartments.
According to police reports, senior Carrie Parr, women’s basketball student coach, was charged with supplying alcohol to minors, while Samuel Elsner and Jake Darrington were charged with public intoxication. The fourth person charged was not a Simpson student.
According to police reports, Simpson Security was called to Apartment 14 in Detroit Apartments “several times” before calling police with suspected underage drinking sometime between 10 and 11 p.m.
The report states that when officers arrived in the area, they encountered several people exiting the Detroit Apartments. Police said three men they encountered were intoxicated and under the legal drinking age. All were charged with public intoxication.
According to the report, Parr purchased two kegs for a minor, Sophomore Tyson Brandt. Simpson College forbids kegs in all types of campus housing. Brandt was not arrested or charged.
Brandt said that the incident shouldn’t be seen as out of the ordinary.
“I think drinking isn’t as big a deal as people make it seem in college,” Brandt said. “People drink all of the time, and things get blown way out of proportion.”
According to the Simpson security Web site, the situation falls under the context of liquor law violations. In 2007, only two liquor law arrests were made in Simpson-owned residential facilities.
In 2005 and 2006, only one arrest of this kind was made each year. Drunkenness and driving under the influence were not included in those statistics.
Simpson College Residence Life declined to comment on the situation.
“This situation is covered under the FERPA Act of 1973 which places restrictions on college administrators about what we can and cannot say regarding a student’s judicial or academic records,” Mandy Fox, director of residence life, said.
Simpson security also declined to comment.
“The investigation is ongoing, and because Simpson is a private institution, we can make no further comments at this time,” Head of Security Chris Frerichs said.
Phone calls and e-mails to Parr, Darrington, Elsner and Brian Niemuth, head coach of women’s basketball, were not returned as of Tuesday night, the last opportunity to publish comments before the newspaper goes to press.