Four words to Terrell Owens: ‘Shut up and play’

March 25, 2009
Terrell Owens, formerly of the Dallas Cowboys, the Philadelphia Eagles and the San Francisco Forty-Niners, has found himself a new home…for now.
The gifted-yet-controversial wide receiver recently signed a one-year contract with the Buffalo Bills worth $6.5 million after the Cowboys officially released him on March 5.
No player in the National Football League is worth that kind of money, not even a player of Owens’ caliber, especially considering all the drama that comes with him.
To put it simply, Owens has caused trouble everywhere he’s been in the NFL, from San Francisco to Philadelphia to Dallas. If I look into my crystal ball, I have to say some controversy is in the not-so-distant future for T.O. and the Bills.
Bad-mouthing your quarterback, complaining about your contract and being just plain selfish won’t win you very many hearts in the NFL.
I hate to try and predict the future here, but if you look at the last ten seasons, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out there’s some sort of a pattern.
You hear about controversy in one NFL town, you might shrug it off and say, “Maybe it’s the organization or the other players that are the problem.”
But if you follow the trail of tears, you can see the common denominator in all those controversies is Owens.
There’s no doubt he’s talented. Over 14,000 yards receiving, 139 touchdowns and 951 career receptions speak for themselves. But when you take his level of production and then look at his tirades, his complaints about his contract and his remarks about his various quarterbacks, you have to ask yourself, is he really worth all the trouble?
Putting myself in the shoes of an NFL coach or general manager, the answer to that question would be a big no.
Actions speak louder than words, and Owens has made one thing clear through his actions: He cares about one person, and one person only when it comes to football, and that’s Terrell Owens.
He wants to score touchdowns and catch passes, but he wants to do those things for all the wrong reasons.
Owens is the face of a bigger problem that the NFL is facing today. Too many players in the league spend more time complaining about how much money they’re not making instead of helping their teams win.
Players like Owens are setting an example to the younger generation that it’s okay to be a self-centered, money-grubbing attention-seeker, so long as you can run fast enough, jump high enough and catch well enough.
It’s too bad, because with his charisma and talent, he could be a very positive roll model to young athletes.
I’ve had moments where I wish I could be in the same room with this guy and tell him a thing or two.
It would be something along the lines of, “Shut up and play.”