FlipSide Face- Leo Wright

FlipSide Face- Leo Wright

by Bailey HarrisStaff Writer

Leo Wright may be considered a “non-traditional” student, but he interacts and participates in class like any other student at Simpson College.

Born in Jacksonville, Fla., Leo went to school in Iowa and graduated from Lincoln High School in 1972.

With a wife and three sons, the youngest at 26 years old, Leo has a lot of other priorities besides school. However, after four years of service in the United States Coast Guard, Wright qualified for assistance from the Department of Veterans Affairs and decided to go back to school full time.

A political science and education major, Wright plans to use his degree to either become a teacher or go to work for the state or federal government.

“I think it’s great that he came back to school and takes the initiative to participate along with his classmates,” junior Jenn Arnold said.

Though Wright does a great job fitting in with the younger group of students, he admits there are certain challenges to being a non-traditional student.

“Things have changed over the last thirty-something years,” Wright said. “As an older student, you have to have the right attitude in dealing with the (younger) students.”

Wright enjoys the interaction and close relationships between professors and students and considers that an important factor in his decision to come to Simpson.

“I like the size of the classes, and I find a good variety of personalities as far as the professors,” Wright said. “I’ve found the students at Simpson to be very encouraging as far as the future (is concerned).”

Wright, who enjoys fishing and singing karaoke when not in class or studying, has been at Simpson since Fall 2007, and plans to graduate in 2012. Despite the challenges and added responsibilities of life as an adult student Wright seems incredibly content with his decision.

“I love Simpson,” Wright said. “I wish I could stay.”