John Wynne

by Bailey Harris/Staff Writer

 Junior exchange student John Wynne is making the most of his time in America and his stay at Simpson College. A business management major at Simpson, Wynne also studies graphic design at the University of Ulster in Belfast in his home country of Ireland. Wynne grew up in Carryduff, Northern Ireland, and attended high school in Belfast before entering college. The 22-year-old ended up at Simpson through a program run by the British Council which aims to send college students to the United States to study business. Their hope is that these students will then contribute their knowledge to the Irish economy upon their return. His transition to Simpson was aided by the reception of faculty and students alike. “Students and staff are all very friendly on campus, and they have all been very helpful,” Wynne said. In fact, the ease with which he has gotten to know new people on campus is one of the factors he enjoys most about life on Simpson’s close-knit campus. The winter weather and lack of public transportation, on the other hand, took some getting used to for Wynne. This is not Wynne’s first trip to the United States. He has visited a few times in the past and has also backpacked across Europe and traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina, which have been good preparation for a year away from home. Fellow international student junior Sebastian Hoffmann also considers Wynne to be fitting in well at Simpson. “He played basketball first semester and has made himself at home at the Zoo (in Indianola) and has been a lot of fun,” Hoffmann said. “I think those are signs of successful adjustment.” Wynne would have liked to continue his role on the Simpson basketball team, but found the time commitment to be a bit different than his sports experience back home, and hewanted to try other things in his time at Simpson. “The time playing with the lads on the team was great and I do miss it,” Wynne said. “I still try to make all the games.” During his time at Simpson, Wynne has become involved in intramural basketball and weekend soccer games, as well as hunting for a May Term internship. He said he thoroughly enjoys his graphic design and marketing classes, hanging out with friends and listening to music. Wynne started classes at Simpson in August and will return to Ireland in the fall of 2010 to finish his degree in graphic design. Before leaving the United States, he plans to spend the summer traveling in Florida and California with friends.