Seberg: Take advantage before it’s too late

It is always interesting when you are asked to sit back and reflect on past accomplishments or experiences, especially when they are moments that have such an impact on who we become in life.

So…Who are you?

I’m a guy with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sports Administration and a minor in Management, working where he went to school. Who I have become is entirely different.

When I graduated from Simpson, I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to do in life, but knew that hanging out with all my college buddies would be fun. When I was offered the chance to come back and coach, I went for it.

I am in my fourth year of working with athletes now and have loved every day of it. So, what are the two biggest things I have learned while coaching? Things are way busier being a coach than they are as an athlete and 6 a.m. workouts are still not fun to wake up for. Go figure.I have had student athletes ask me what is the biggest thing I wished kids would understand sooner.

It is really rather simple. Understand life is short. We always hear that, but I know when I was in college I didn’t get it. After all, I was in the best shape of my life and figured myself to be invincible. It wasn’t until my last football game my senior year it actually hit home. Football was done… period.

I had always been someone that played football because I liked it, simple as that. I had no idea what that last game would feel like, but I know I will never forget it.

So what does this have to do with “life is short”? It is the same reason that you see seniors become all stars in their last few games. The clock is ticking and they don’t want it to end. My drive when working with athletes is to try to get them to realize this sooner.

Don’t wait until the last two or three games of your career to write your legacy. Start writing it early and keep improving it. You are the only one that decides how your life’s biography will read.

The other turning point in my college career was not when a professor asked me what my GPA was or what majors and minors I was thinking of. It was simple.

Do you have a suit?

My answer: “What? No.”

His answer: “Don’t worry about having too much money then.”

This taught me that, not only did I need to know where I want to go in life, but I also needed to understand what I must have to get there. Take advantage of the resources provided and become better each day.

You only get one shot at each day so make the most of it, and have fun every second of it.

So, who are you and where will you go?