SGA winners announced: Koch, Wirtz take top spots

Junior Macy Koch and sophomore Tyson Wirtz have been elected as the new student body president and vice president for the 2010-2011 school year.

“I am excited to try out some new things and see how they turn out,” Wirtz said. “I am also excited to meet the new people that are involved with SGA and see what new ideas they have.”

Koch is also excited to see what the year will hold.

“I am most looking forward to continuing to strengthen my relationship with administration, faculty, staff and the board of trustees,” Koch said. “It’s been great working with them for a year, and now that I am comfortable with them and them with me, I feel that this year I can use those relationships to further create change from the top, where most of the power lies.”

Koch and Wirtz hold high standards and big ideas for the 2010-2011 school year.

“I would like to continue to work for students’ needs and do what is best for them,” Wirtz said. I plan on making sure that the renovations for the BSC continue to be drawn up and that the process keeps moving. I would also like to see increases in school spirit and community on campus.”

Koch shares Wirtz’s concern on the student center.

“I really hope to continue to work with administration with the planning of the new campus center,” Koch said. “Once we get the architects narrowed down to one, there is a small group of students that will be involved in the planning process to give student input and concerns.

“I am extremely interested in helping with this since the students who originally passed the funding for this new campus center agreed to a new building. So I am going to help make sure that it’s nothing like the current BSC and is just as good as a brand new building-just not in the originally planned location.”

Sophomore Trisha Schroeder is hopeful for the student center plans to finally take action.

“I hope that the student center is done soon,” Schroeder said. “If this is going to be the main thing that Wirtz and Koch focus on, I certainly hope that they make some progress.”

Koch also hopes to bring more attention and awareness to what SGA does for Simpson students.

“I’d also like to increase the awareness for SGA and what we do as a governing student group, and get more students involved in our discussions, meetings and events,” Koch said. “We try to approach constituents as best as we can as members of the senate, however, it’s impossible to reach everyone.”

We created an online comment box this year, which has been good at getting feedback, however, there is much more that we can do as a group to be available to students with comments or concerns and I’m hoping to start to really increase our relationship with campus.”

Koch is also excited to advocate for Simpson students and to really get the word out there.

“I love Simpson, so it’s easy for me to want to work at improving it as best as I can, and hopefully, in the end, I will make a difference by being in my office,” Koch said.

Wirtz agrees that the student should be the priority.

“I love advocating for students and attempting to make Simpson College a better place for everyone.”