FlipSide Face – Shelly Priebe

by Tyler Utzka

You may have seen her around campus, Blank Performing Arts Center or her office in Mary Berry. Shelly Priebe has worked for Simpson for 16 years, and for the last four years she has been the administrative assistant for faculty development, where she supports the departments of faculty development, general education and the Simpson Colloquium.

“Being on a college campus invigorates me and I like to reason that it keeps my thinking ‘young,'” Priebe said. “I enjoy the atmosphere of a college campus, the constant learning process, the idealism of youth, actually seeing and being a part of measurable growth, being in a place where new ideas are constantly presented. I love it all.”

Priebe’s work-study, freshman Adrian Hawkins, enjoys working with easy-going Priebe.

“Working with her tends to be very stress-free because she tends to create a work environment that’s reflective of her personality- effective and laid back,” Hawkins said. “She’s friendly and has this bright and bubbly personality.”

Priebe graduated with a degree in theater arts and education and was in the first production in Blank theatre, playing Anitra in “Peer Gynt.” When not in rehearsal or studying, Priebe had things to keep her busy.

“At Simpson most of my extra time was spent at the theatre,” Priebe said. “I also was in Pi Beta Phi and worked at a local radio station as a disc jockey and had another independent job recording commercials for radio.”

Hawkins has noticed Priebe’s hard-working lifestyle already in the short time that she has known her.

“She’s always on her toes and bursting with creative ideas to better improve the well-being of the students, faculty, and school as a whole,” Hawkins said. “She has always given 110 percent of herself.”

Not only does Priebe work at Simpson, however, but holds close family ties as well.

“Currently, I have a cousin and a nephew here at SC,” Priebe said. “Also, Jan Spreitzenbarth is my international host son, and an interesting side is that my daughter Maggie lived with Jan’s family when she studied abroad in Schorndorf, Germany.”