Remember to make good impression before interview


Simpson College has a strong reputation in the Des Moines area for producing quality students and future leaders, but despite the quality of kids that Simpson is known to crank out, recent reports from local businesspeople say that Simpson students tend to perform poorly in interviews.

Before looking for an internship or job, remember that you make a first impression before an interviewer even meets you. Often times, you may set up an interview over the phone or online. Make sure to use to professional language, answer any questions with a clear “yes” and “no,” and make sure to thank the organization for their time.

It is vital at this point that you learn about the organization itself. Learning about a company’s history and values can tell you a lot about what it’s like to work there. This research will help you be able to answer and ask questions more appropriately during the interview process.

Before the interview, prepare to respond to questions regarding your experiences and how they relate to the job; be prepared with a direct and quality answer. Career Services offers free mock interviews, which will not only allow you to think about your answers, but will give you interviewing experience. Additionally, there are numerous online sources that contain common interview questions. When it is your turn to ask questions, avoid asking anything that can easily be found on the company website, as well as questions about salary or benefits until after the job offer is made.

By the day of the interview, you should be ready for whatever questions the interviewers throw at you. Stay calm throughout the interview and be sure to dress appropriately. Arrive 10-15 minutes early and be sure to catch the interviewer’s name. Use a firm, but not bone-crushing handshake. Good manners will make a favorable impression. Be cooperative and enthusiastic. You are trying to sell yourself and it is difficult to sell anybody on negativity.

When you leave, be sure to thank the interviewer and shake their hand. Following the interview, send a follow up letter thanking them for the chance to interview with their company. This should be short and to the point and can emphasize a strength discussed or not discussed in the interview, but following up will keep your name fresh in the employer’s mind.

It’s normal to be nervous about an interview but with these tips and a little preparation, you stay relaxed and be confident that you will have a successful interview.