Fan-favorite CAB events making a return
The annual tradition looks to give a nice send-off to this year’s seniors.
January 25, 2023
A new semester means the start of more events hosted by the Campus Activities Board (CAB). With fan-favorite events making a return and new changes being made, Sophomore Breanna Drahota, a human services major, has been elected as the new president of CAB.
Drahota was one of the only ones willing to step up to the position. “It was a mix of nobody else wanting to do it and me being the only one really willing to do it. And also just generally liking CAB and not wanting it to just fall off the face of the planet.”
Drahota’s plans for CAB this semester are to make sure students’ voices are heard to help decide what events to put on.
“I’m hoping to build up CAB’s executive board to be more communicative and more involved with the rest of the campus, so we get everybody’s opinion, so we know what everybody actually likes,” Drahota said.
Another CAB executive member, sophomore Nadia Murobyi, also states that she is hoping to interact with students more to get a better idea of what campus would like to participate in.
“Definitely trying to see what the people want, trying to get an input of what we could bring to campus,” Murobyi said.
Senior Political Science major Mallory Burkhart has attended many CAB events during her time at Simpson and can tell that CAB wants to hear from students. “This semester especially, I think they’re open to hearing from students and gauging what we want.”
Events that have been a previous success, such as bingo, headphone disco and karaoke, will all be brought back this spring semester for students to attend. One difference will be that there will be no bingo in February but for good reason. “We’re going to do bigger bingos for March and April to finish out the year,” Drahota said.
With a brand new executive board and president, Murobyi explains that with new management, some things may look different. “It’s going to make some of the things we do a little different, but I think it’s probably going to be more exciting now.”
One of CAB’s main focuses for this semester is to make sure that students are having fun and able to enjoy themselves at a CAB event. “Obviously, tuition is really expensive, so people will really want to get their money’s worth when they’re actually going to campus events,” Drahota said.
Spanish teaching assistant Carolina Marchetti explains that CAB events such as bingo help distract from the stress of classes. “I guess that getting disconnected from the routine and having your body full of other emotions you don’t usually feel in a lecture class, like excitement, nervousness, peace and quiet, interest.”
Burkhart finds joy in seeing everyone at the events and getting the chance to win prizes. “In my four years at Simpson, CAB has done a great job of putting on fun events for students.”
CAB is currently in the process of coming up with new events to host on campus as well as plans for the Campus Day dance and the spring wrap-up at the end of April.