Staff Spotlight: The man behind the counter, Tyler from Tyler’s
Tyler Herbert-Silverio, better known as Tyler from Tyler’s, is a team lead at Tyler’s Grille
April 20, 2022
‘Tyler’ is not just the name of one of the popular restaurants on Simpson College’s campus – it’s also the name of a beloved worker, Tyler Herbert-Silverio, commonly known on campus as Tyler from Tyler’s.
Herbert-Silverio is a team lead at Tyler’s Grille and has been for years. Herbert-Silverio was born and raised in the Des Moines area and met his wife at Simpson.
He started working at McDonald’s, which led him to the Iowa Event Center job. While working there, his job entailed setting up for events. Herbert-Silverio finds cooking to be more fun and enjoyable and said he doesn’t see himself pursuing a different career in food.
“I’ve always enjoyed making people laugh and bringing joy and happiness to people and making them forget about tough times,” Herbert-Silverio said.
Herbert-Silverio discusses how his wife helped him get the job at Tyler’s. He was excited about the new job because you have more culinary freedom.
“It’s more cooking instead of just taking, you know, frozen things and pressing a timer,” Herbert-Silverio said.
Herbert-Silverio discussed how he had minimal experience cooking, but he was able to further his knowledge and become more comfortable in the kitchen while on the job. He started at Pfeiffer Dining Hall before being moved to work at Tyler’s.
While working at Pfeiffer, he learned how to make food from scratch. He says having that experience has made him feel more comfortable on the job.
Herbert-Silverio mentions that one of the perks of the job is the students. He said he wants to make the environment and atmosphere at Tyler’s fun for students and everyone. Some of the students are miles and miles away from home or even seas away from home.
“[I want] to be that annoying big brother, so when they come in and see a familiar face, they can relax a little bit,” Herbert-Silverio said.
In his free time, Herbert-Silverio enjoys music and streaming on Twitch. He also wants to start a career someday as a content creator. He loves to make people laugh, so a job in that realm would allow him to fulfill that dream.
Herbert-Silverio has also dabbled in making trance house dance music. He mentions that it has been a long time since he’s made music, but it’s only because the program he uses is expensive.
He encourages anyone interested in watching him on Twitch to join in. His Twitch user name is Twitch. tv/zolo160.
Undoubtedly, students on campus appreciate all the work that Herbert-Silverio has done and all the other workers have done preparing food for students on campus. Having workers who care for students and want to connect with students can impact so many.