Athletes struggle with modified eating
Student waits in line at Pfeiffer.
November 11, 2020
With limitations to food options due to COVID-19, it is harder for athletes to maintain or gain the weight that they would like during their off-season.
Pfeiffer dining hall isn’t allowing the normal buffet style option that many athletes take advantage of when trying to maintain weight. Now, students are limited to a single to-go box.
Kenadi Batchelor and the strength and conditioning staff can’t stress enough the importance of putting the right things in your body.
“It’s important because you are putting your body through 2 off-seasons, which means more practices more volume in the weight room,” Batchelor said.
The restrictions have put some athletes at a disadvantage because of Pfeiffer’s limitations, which may force them to choose one of the options at Kent like Sub Connection or Tyler’s Grill, which will cost more for a smaller serving size.
“I think they are doing the best that they can given the circumstances,” Batchelor said.
With most athletic teams only lifting about two times a week and an ever-changing practice schedule, what you put in your body is more important now than it ever has been. The understandable restrictions have forced athletes to find new ways to get the right nutrients in their bodies.
Mason Spree, a senior offensive lineman on the football team, says that he has lost 15 pounds since COVID-19 hit.
“We have kids every year approach us about gaining or maintaining weight. I think it’s just a lot of mental issues this year that is causing the weight fluctuations,” Batchelor said
Mental health has been a bigger problem due to COVID-19.
“It’s ok not to have things together all the time, find little things that you can add into your diet, have a schedule of when your eating because it is easy to get into a slump and do nothing,” Batchelor said
For any athlete or non-athlete seeking help with a diet plan, Kenadi and her staff are available in their office in the lower level of the Steven Johnson Fitness Center.