Kappa Crazy for Pasta

Students enjoy their pasta.

by Alyssa Craven, Feature Editor

Kappa Kappa Gamma held their annual Kapasta event on Sept. 19 to raise money for charity.

“We split the money in half and donate it to our philanthropies, Reading Is Fundamental and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation,” Sydney Alt, philanthropy chair at Kappa said.

The charity, Reading is Fundamental, donates books to children and takes volunteers to read to kids.

According to the Reading is Fundamental website, “Reading Is Fundamental maximizes every contribution to ensure all children have the ability to read and succeed.”

The Kappa Kappa Gamma foundation gives scholarships and grants to Kappa members based on needs or academic success.

At the event, two different types of pasta were served along with two different kinds of sauces. Lemonade, water and Red Bull were offered to drink.

“We cooked everything ourselves at the Kappa house,” Alt said.

This year the event was held in Great Hall instead of Black Box where it is usually held.

“I don’t think there has been as many people so far this year,” said Alt. “I kind of have a feeling it’s because of location.”

In total Kappa raised $240 this year from their Kapasta event.