New athlete-only hours for lower weight room

Photo by Coby Berg.

by Daria Mather, Staff Reporter

On Nov. 19, the hours for the lower weight room were changed to include athlete-only times for teams to train.

Athletes will be able to use the lower weight room from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. during the week. Other students will be able to use the lower weight room from 8 a.m. to  2 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. during the week.

In order for athletes to be able to use the lower weight room, they will require a coach or other strength and conditioning supervisor to be in the room, according to the email that was sent out to students on Nov. 2, previewing the changes.

The upper weight room will be open for use to all Simpson students during regular hours.

These changes have been decided based on a number of reasons. For example, over the last five months, there have been a number of items stolen from the lower weight room.

The cost of these small items, such as weight clips or resistance bands, starts to add up as the college replaces them, according to Pete Crall, the strength and conditioning supervisor in the weight room.

Since Crall only works in the weight room part time, he can’t be down there all day to help supervise people working out.

The athletic department has recently moved Swim Coach Tom Caccia’s office down into the weight room. He’s there to oversee it more but not to supervise, according to Athletic Director Bob Nutgrass.

Another reason for the time change is because there is less money in the work study funds to be able to staff both upper- and lower-weight rooms full time.

The hours were agreed upon by members of the athletic department, who took the proposal to the cabinet and coaches.

To keep teams competitive, they need time to train during the offseason.

The hours are designed to “give the athlete a better training session and training overall because I don’t have to change things up on the fly,” according to Crall.

People in the weight room won’t be kicked out, but during team-only hours, teams have priority of the equipment.

“As a team, we only have certain hours of the day we can train because people are in class,” Crall said. “We’re not a big university where athletes get to register early, and we all get to pick our times because we have practice.”

As the next two weeks pass and students take notice of the new hours, Nutgrass, Crall and the rest of the athletic department are open to hear feedback.

After it evaluates the new hours next semester, the department will decide if the hours need to be changed or adjusted in any way.

“We’re not trying to discourage anyone from working out, of course,” Crall said. “We’re just trying to keep our equipment good and keep the good equipment we have and be able to offer that to students.”