Menstrual hygiene products to be placed in men’s restrooms

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by Kayla Reusche, Staff Reporter

INDIANOLA, Iowa — Emergency tampons and pads will be placed in the men’s restrooms in Kent Campus Center within the next couple of weeks.

The containers have already been installed and students can expect the free products to be filled in the coming weeks, said junior class senator Liz Nimmo.

Nimmo came up with this idea last year while running for Student Government Association. She knew of places that offered free menstrual hygiene products, but she had never heard of them being offered in men’s restrooms. Her idea set out to promote inclusivity on campus, specifically transgender inclusivity.

RELATED: SGA provides free emergency feminine products in Kent

“I want, as well as the Student Advocacy Committee wants, transgender students to know that they’re welcome on our campus, and we want people to know that we recognize that cisgender women aren’t the only people who can have periods,” Nimmo said.

Once Nimmo received approval from the Student Advocacy Committee and maintenance staff, she requested $237 for the project on Jan. 17 in an SGA meeting, according to SGA minutes. The student government approved her request.

Nimmo said the SGA is expecting confusion on the purpose of this project, but that they are prepared to explain the reasoning behind it.