Attitude adjustments for all
October 31, 2002
Simpson students (including this dear columnist) often criticize Simpson for it’s painfully conservative nature. The finger ultimately gets pointed at administration, specifically our famous bow-tied man.
When you think a few seconds longer though, do we really need a liberal administration when we as a student body remain quite conservative ourselves?
Simpson students breed a conservative environment. If I had the luxury of being President R. Kevin LaGree I wouldn’t be in a dash to change anything.
There’s a lot of verbal complaint without any attitude behind it.
Sitting around bitching with a beer in our hands that LaGree won’t let us do anything on the weekends doesn’t make us liberal. It makes us whiners.
Campus change doesn’t happen with drunken moans and cheers to rebellion at The Zoo or the fraternities. Sorry, the administration can’t hear you there.
This is college-take a chance. You’re bored?! Turn off your television, take your hand out of your pants and make productive aims at making this campus a better place for the brethren of wonderfully wild spirits that eject from high school onto our campus. It’s bad enough that campus “fun-hating” has gone this far.
You’re probably wondering why I’m sitting at my computer typing this to you all and not organizing a campus frenzy myself. Well, sorry I’m a senior and I’m tired. Writing for The Simpsonian is as lively as my ancient life gets.
Please freshmen, do something now or you’ll end up a bitter bunch of seniors much like our class who just bitches and moans about the party tyrants on this campus.
We are wise enough to know that change doesn’t happen in a weekend. Until then, find things to do outside to the world of Indianola. There really are things to do. I promise.
Indianola is a fine town and all. I find it quite charming-but Wal-Mart, Citgo, the Paramount and the Zoo get spent quicker than your wallet in Iowa City.
So let’s not forget Des Moines is right next door. You don’t have to look hard to find culture and excitement there. It’s available for more than just malls and internships.
I think it’d be a nifty idea if Simpson would organize shuttles to Des Moines so students without cars can go in groups. Des Moines has great restaurants, cheap entertainment, theatrical performances, trendy cinemas that serve beer and wine, shopping, and even an elevated class of bars.
Students under 21 have plenty of outlets for entertainment in Des Moines. Your options aren’t just Hy-vee and Dunn library.
Let’s talk to CAB about getting us off-campus as a weekend outlet. I don’t know about you but I’d much rather have discounted tickets to the “Funny Bone” than the movie theatre in town.
Take advantage of what’s around. Write letters of complaint to administration. We’re not babies anymore and that passive-aggressive attitude hardly makes change. We have a student senate; we have a voice. Do we have an attitude?