Junior class president resigns

November 21, 2002
Low voter turnout has prompted candidates for student body positions to find ways to increase the turnout this year.
Last year, approximately 40 percent of students at Simpson College voted in the student body elections.
“Our voter turnout isn’t low when you compare it to other schools,” said Eric Elben,president of the elections committee.
“I would like to see our voter turnout increase to 50 percent on campus,” said sophomore Michael Schrodt. “The Greek system does a great job of getting their members out to vote, and I think we can increase the percentage by encouraging the residence halls to go vote.”
One way the election committee is trying to increase the number of students voting in elections is by giving them the option to vote online.
According to Elben, other colleges that have implemented online voting have seen increases in the number of students who vote.
“We will have online voting by the end of this year or next fall,” said Elben. “We have to set aside about $1,000 for it, but it will make voting much more convenient and increase our voter turnout.”
Candidates for the student government offices have a variety of methods of encouraging people to vote, not only for themselves, but to vote in general.
“I’m encouraging everyone I talk with to go vote,” said junior Katie Ziskovsky, Religious Life Council president candidate.
Other methods include word of mouth and talking one-on-one with students.
“I’m basically using word-of-mouth to campaign and get people to vote,” said sophomore Nicole Molt, Campus Activities Board president candidate. “I’ve told people in my organizations that I’m running and asked them to tell other people.”
Sophomore Kayla Schmidt uses a more personal approach. “I’ve been talking to various people about what they view as problems in student government and what kind solutions they suggest,” she said. “I try to give them my views on issues as well.”