Campus Day of the dead

November 14, 2002
Campus Day! Those two words have done nothing wrong to us, so let’s stop accompanying those innocent words with anger and disgust.
I feel fortunate that we have a Campus Day to complain about. All this drama has interrupted the meticulous nature of our days here in ZIP code 50125. Regardless, something has to be done one of these semesters, and we don’t have to wait for a sunny day for that.
First of all, Campus Day is a glorious idea with a history of horrible execution. You could frame a documentary of the historical drama of this day that is intended to please the students of Simpson College. There is controversy on the issue of whether campus day should be announced or spontaneous.
The students enjoy the craze of going to bed pondering the prospect of having the day off to rake the community’s lawns. More indulgent students just beg that you give them thumbs up to proceed to the pearly gates of delirium with the promise of a day off to recover. Both arguments are compelling and pragmatic to college intentions. That topic is for someone else to write about.
I want to talk about a revolution. I don’t give a damn how it’s announced. So we have this wonderful idea of a campus-wide day to bond with staff, students and members of the community. Why is it falling to shambles? Don’t we care about Campus Day anymore? Sniff…sniff.
With the rate that things move concerning decisions for this event, we should keep it simple. Let’s face it…we’ll be raking for awhile. But maybe…just maybe can we start thinking about a project that is a little more helpful to the community and a little bit more invigorating? Can we throw the rakes away within the next five years?
I’m biased and bitter, so maybe I should pipe down. But the only Campus Day I ever dedicated my efforts to was my last. I showed up excited (young) and ready to help the community. I was assigned to LaGree’s beautiful yard as my playground for service. A dozen youthful bodies and I bagged endless amounts of leaves from our president’s yard. ‘Glad to help you out sir, but could we have been more useful in let’s say…someone’s yard that really needed us?’
LaGree could hire every kid in town to shape up his yard. So that’s the history on my bitterness towards Campus Day.
Raking is all right for now, but let’s consider other options. Raking in the fall is helpful. Raking in the spring is a joke.
Since we are obviously young adults who are passionate about education, could we spend Campus Day helping the community schools? We are capable of so much impact on this community. Let us use our talents and do something enjoyable please. And please stop toying with our emotions. We believe you when you say, “It’s Campus Day!”