Local businesses consider discount cards
April 10, 2003
To aide in the migration of Simpson students towards utilizing local businesses, Student Body President Cory George has worked with the Indianola Chamber of Commerce develop a student discount card that would be usable at local businesses.
Every month George attends Indianola Chamber of Commerce meetings. According to George, during the meeting he attended in March, it was finally decided that a type of discount card would be a great benefit to both businesses and students.
“I don’t think that they (Simpson Students) utilize the businesses as well as they could,” said Greg Funaro, part owner of Funaro’s Deli and Bakery.
There are high hopes among local business owners and the Chamber of Commerce that the discount card will increase the number of Simpson students utilizing the businesses on the square and throughout town.
During a recent Senate meeting, the topic of the discount card was addressed, and members of Senate voiced their opinions on which businesses students would use most. That list was passed on to the Chamber of Commerce in order to develop a discount plan suited to the needs of students and the businesses that they would most likely visit.
“I think that it would be nice for everybody’s sake to have a discount card,” said Brandi Larson, owner of Professional Body Works, whose tanning packages have a large appeal to many students on campus.
The Chamber of Commerce will work with local businesses to compromise on some sort of discount that would appeal to students as well as be manageable for businesses, said George.
“It seems like most out-of-town people go to Wal-Mart where they feel comfortable. Local people seem to be more comfortable using the local businesses,” said Steve Pfeifer, Manager of True Value Hardware.
Business owners and employees seem genuinely concerned about the lack of Simpson students appearing in their stores.
“I think a discount card would be cool,” said Alison Schroder, employee at Mary’s Hallmark Store and junior at Simpson College. “I think the reason Simpson students don’t support local businesses is because it’s more expensive.”
As of right now, the discount card is in the midst of the planning process and can be expected to be seen circulating campus this fall.