Karaoke draws talented, not-so-talented
October 30, 2003
When fun needs to be had in Indianola, karaoke is there toencourage and enable.
“It’s a really good time,” said senior Jason Snyder. “It gets alot of people in the bar.”
Other students agree.
“Karaoke is more fun than jumping up and down on a trampolinewith all the midgets of the world,” said student LauraFergades.
Fergades claims she has the voice of an angel.
While some students might only feel comfortable singing karaokeafter a few beers, being of age is not a prerequisite of karaokesinging. Thanks to Friday night karaoke at Signatures, all Simpsonstudents are eligible to partake in this fun activity.
“It’s fun to go up there with all your girlfriends and dancearound and sing,” freshman Beth Rewerts said. “Plus it’s always funto hear drunken people sing ‘I like big butts’ a whole half-stepsharp.”
While having a decent voice helps create a better environmentfor those listening, it’s not a requirement for taking themicrophone.
“Sometimes people are good, sometimes not so good, buteverybody’s still out having a great time,” Snyder said.
For those not acquainted with the wonderful world of karaoke, itbasically involves singing along to a back-up tape while readingwords from a television monitor.
Signature’s offers the crowd-pleasing capability of followingalong on multiple monitors hung sporadically from the ceiling.
This enables observers to maximize their sing-along fun.
“The atmosphere is fun, it’s fun to relax and laugh ateveryone,” Rewerts said.
Students who wish to partake in karaoke fun can do so either atSignature’s on Fridays or Mojo’s Wednesday nights.
While Mojo’s is only open to those of age, it does offer theadded incentive of $3.50 pitchers and $1 draws and wells before11:00 p.m. Plus, students can play pool while enjoying theirbuddies’ vocal talents.
Signature’s offers drink specials as well if one is qualified towear the wristband. And $4 pitchers make the singing a bit moreenjoyable for everyone.
Both bars offer a large playbook of songs to choose from, butsome songs are sung more often than others.
Country songs are popular at both bars, as are typical karaokefavorites like “Love Shack,” “I Touch Myself” and “I Love Rock andRoll.”
Snyder holds true to his personal karaoke favorite, “WhiteLines” by Grand Master Flash.
While many students did not sing karaoke before coming toschool, once started, they seem to get hooked.
“I didn’t really sing karaoke before I got here, but a few of myfriends had karaoke machines, so when it was just us girls, we’dsing and mess around,” Rewerts said.
Now Rewerts has joined the trend of those who enjoy singingkaraoke on a regular basis.
Whether one enjoys getting up and singing or just laughing atthose who do, karaoke is sure to provide enjoyment for thosewilling to find some fun.