Simpson to hire new faculty for fall ’04 academic year
October 30, 2003
To keep up with Simpson’s growing student body, the college hasdecided to add three new positions for the 2004 school year,bringing the total number of faculty members from 84 to 87.
The new positions will be in the social science, politicalscience and philosophy departments.
According to Bruce Haddox, vice president for academic affairs,criminal justice needed the help most because of the increasingnumber of students interested in the major.
Political science was also in need of new faculty members tofill a gap in the studies of public policy and minority politicsand to strengthen the program.
The philosophy department will also be receiving new faculty dueto a high demand for ethics courses.
Haddox said there are two main goals associated with hiring thenew faculty members.
In order to maintain the student-faculty ratio, and even improveit, more faculty members are needed. The college is also looking tostrengthen certain programs already offered by the college and tospark student interest.
The college is seeking applicants that will help the programsgrow, and will fit into the Simpson community and its ideals.
The hiring process for the new positions began in late Septemberand will continue through December, with interviews starting inJanuary.
“Hopefully the positions will be filled by March,” saidHaddox.
Haddox said the interview process will include a panel ofstudents from each major to help decide who is right for theposition.
“The most important thing I can do as academic dean is hire newfaculty,” said Haddox. “With our large first-year class this year,this is a good year to add faculty.”