Sen. John Edwards gets help from alumni to rally support

by Casey Hansen

While most people are still trying to decide which presidentialcandidate to support for the 2004 election, some Simpson alumnihave already made their decision and are working for thecampaign.

Presidential hopeful Sen. John Edwards has acquired two Simpsongraduates to help spread the word about his stance on the issuesand to help with other logistics involved with his political eventsand appearances.

Jesse Harris, a double major in history and political science,graduated from Simpson and quickly found a home with Edwards’campaign. Harris, a field organizer for the campaign in WarrenCounty, spends his days rallying support for Edwards and gettinghis message and viewpoints out to the public.

“I chose to support John Edwards because his views mimic myown,” said Harris.

Mike Edwards, also a political science major, graduated fromSimpson and found himself working for the Sen. John Edwardscampaign as well. Mike Edwards works out of the Davenport, Iowaheadquarters for the campaign. Like Harris, Mike Edwards’ main jobis to communicate with the public and let them know the viewsexpressed by Sen. John Edwards.