Artist Amanda Miller to display work at Simpson
November 6, 2003
Starting in November, students will have the opportunity toexplore a new art exhibit in Farnham Galleries located in MaryBerry Hall.
Artist and sculptor Amanda Miller will share her work in theGalleries from Nov. 3 to Nov. 29.
Miller currently teaches Digital Studio 1 as an adjunctprofessor at the University of Michigan. She attended the StudioArt Centers International in Florence, Italy in 1990.
She received her Bachelor of Arts, Design of the Environment, in1992 from the University of Pennsylvania.
Finally, in 2000, Miller received her M.F.A. in Sculpture andCeramics from Utah State University.
After earning her degree, she taught Wilderness Therapy insouthern Utah and art history at Des Moines Area CommunityCollege.
Miller’s past exhibitions include the 2000 National Council onEducation for the Ceramic Arts Student Regional Exhibition inArvada, Colo.
There she received an honorable mention from Juror PeterBeasecker.
Also, from the 2001 Utah Council for the Arts Clay SculptureInvitational, held at the Rio Grande Gallery in Salt Lake City, andmost recently the 35th Annual Clay, Fiber, Paper, Glass, Metal,Wood Exhibit at the Octagon Center for the Arts in Ames, shereceived third place.
In 1994, Miller won the New York School Studio Drawing Award andthe New York School Studio Sculpture Award.
Miller will show works on paper in addition to her claysculptures that she describes as “spiritual heads of life size andlarger than life size.”
“I am interested in the point at which my depiction of a humanhead becomes a self-portrait,” Miller said.
“How closely related am I, a Jewish-Irish American woman, to anAfrican male? How connected are we as a species? What does the word’race’ mean? Is being Jewish, Muslim, African, Arab, white or blackan identity that constitutes being part of a ‘race’? Why are wemaking these distinctions and what groups of people do theybenefit?” Miller said.
Miller takes her work seriously. She searches for the answers toher questions through her work with sculpture.
“My work is very religious and political through the research oftwo main religions in my life: my mom is Catholic and my dad isJewish,” Miller said.
“This is important to me because I am interested in my ownorigin and am exploring these questions of identity in my work,”Miller said.
On Nov. 5, Miller will do a project with Professor JustinNostrala’s design class.
On Nov. 6 she will hold a critiquing session at 2 p.m. for anyart majors.