Helpful’ students help breach campus security rules

March 4, 2004
Recently, an undercover cameraman filmed both Kresge and Buxtonresidence halls for a story about security in college residencehalls on KCCI News Channel 8.
The story aired on Wednesday, Feb. 18 and showed several scenesfrom the two residences including students who were unaware of thecamera.
Chris Frerichs, director of security, said he was glad thestudents’ faces were blurred.
“This was a security breach, but I’m glad their faces wereblocked. However, some students could easily recognize the clothingor voices of people in the story so they knew exactly who was onthe show.”
Freshman Krista Guilaume, a resident of Kresge Hall, said eventhough the cameraman got into her building she feels safethere.
“There aren’t any problems with security that I know of,” saidGuilaume. “Girls do let other people in if they’re standingoutside, but Kresge is still a safe place to live.”
According to Frerichs, students were willing to let KCCI’scameraman into their halls because he was posing as a deliverymanwith a package for someone. He added that the cameraman was”clean-cut and definitely not threatening.”
“Students love to receive things, so our students were going tobe helpful and let him deliver that package,” said Frerichs. “Itdoes concern me that it gave that person free reign in the buildingas far as our students were concerned.”
Frerichs said he was pleased to see how friendly and courteousall the students from Simpson were.
“I was proud of that, even though I was a little disappointedthat the cameraman was not questioned very thoroughly,” saidFrerichs.
KCCI’s story emphasized the time they were in the two residencehalls because it was after midnight.
“Students don’t necessarily go by the clock, midnight is justnot a big deal,” said Frerichs. “This is college.”
Stephanie Krauth, Simpson’s associate dean of students, isconcerned that residents don’t always realize what they’re doingwhen they let people in their buildings.
“Sometimes students have to realize it’s not a decision thataffects just them, it could affect their next-door neighbor ortheir friend down the hall,” said Krauth. “When you let someoneinto a building you could be jeopardizing the safety of 200 womenin Kresge, or 111 men in Barker, or 129 other students inBuxton.”
Ken Smith, Kresge/Barker area coordinator, said he wasn’tsurprised the cameraman got into Simpson’s residence halls.
“Students let other people in all the time, it’s a nationwideproblem,” said Smith. “I just hope this makes them more aware ofwho they let in the building because they play an important role inkeeping their buildings safe.”
Guilaume said she lets people in her residence hall if sherecognizes them but she wouldn’t let someone who lookedsuspicious.
“I would let myself in, but if they got to the door in time Iguess it’s their choice to get in,” said Guilaume.
Smith added that KCCI’s story wasn’t entirely fair because itdidn’t cover many of the security measures in place at Simpson.
“There was a lot more to our security system that they didn’tshow. The building security did stop the reporter from getting in,”said Smith.
In addition to 24-hour locked residence halls, Simpson has aproximity card system that allows the security department to keeprecords of who enters and exits the residence halls. Frerichs addedthat this system works best when students don’t let others in withthem and don’t loan out their ID cards.
“The system’s only as good as the people in it,” saidFrerichs.
Smith said students who live in the residence halls play animportant role in keeping the building safe
Rooms in Simpson’s residence halls also have combination locks,which KCCI did not show.
Krauth said the story wasn’t entirely fair to the college.
“From what I understand they came at the report thinking theywere going to find a bunch of gullible college students and thatcollege campuses aren’t safe,” said Krauth. “The report reflectedthat.”
Michael Adams, director of public relations, said the KCCIreport wouldn’t hurt Simpson’s public image.
“Even though the report was flawed, it did show locked doors,”said Adams. “They found that in order to get in our buildings, theyhad to deal with actual people. It shows that if someone wanted toharm a student or steal things, they’d have to show their face tosomeone.”
Adams didn’t criticize students for letting the cameraman intoKresge and Buxton Halls.
“Our students are pretty trusting, and we do have a safecampus,” said Adams. “They had someone lie to them, and they tookit at face value.”
Krauth added that there’s a wide range of attitudes towardsecurity at Simpson.
“I think that there are students who are very conscientiousabout security,” said Krauth. “We also have students who couldprobably stand to develop some good security habits.”
Frerichs said security would continue to be watchful of anyonewho didn’t belong on campus but that there were no major changesthat needed to be made as a result of KCCI’s story.
Krauth said Residence Life would be increasing education forcurrent and future staff members about security in general as wellas adding programs to teach students about safety issues.
10 Steps to being
1. Lose your ID card, but don’t tell security and hope it’llturn up somewhere.
2. Give our your room number in your voicemail message so therobbers know where to find you.
3. Tell your entire floor your room combination so you neverhave to get out of bed to answer the door.
4. Make sure your roommate gives our your combo to all his orher friends, too, and encourage all of them to stop by wheneverthey want, even if you aren’t there.
5. If housing wants to change your combination, refuse to letthem.
6. Always prop open your room door when you leave.
7. Prop open any door you exit the building from.
8. Be sure to let any suspicious-looking people wearing glovesand black face masks in your building.
9. Make sure nobody calls security if they think they see arobber near your room.
10. Finally, tell everyone you’re filthy rich and you keep cashin your closet.