Reduce, reuse, recycle at Simpson

April 8, 2004
In a walk across Simpson’s campus, how many recycling bins doyou see? If you know where to look you may see many, but it can bechallenging to spot them.
Simpson has recycling programs in some residence halls and inmost academic and administrative buildings.
According to director of procurement, Marilyn Leek, recycling atSimpson has support from students, faculty and staff.
“We encourage everyone to recycle,” said Leek. “It isn’tmandatory but we do want to be good stewards of theenvironment.”
Some students take a relaxed approach to recycling. FreshmanDavid DeBaun said he recycles when it’s convenient.
“If I walk by [a recycling bin] and have something to recycle Iwill,” said DeBaun.
Students have easy access to recycling if they live in Barker,Buxton, Kresge or Picken residence halls. These halls all have atleast one space
set aside for recycling glass, paper, plastic and tin.
DeBaun said it was easy to recycle in Barker Hall.
“I know there are two places on the first floor of Barker,” saidDeBaun. “That’s plenty for that floor.”
Some apartments on campus have outdoor recycling bins.
Theme houses recycle on an individual basis like other Indianolahomes, and the fraternities do not have recycling programs inplace.
Other buildings on campus have recycling containers for studentsand college employees to use.
According to Leek, two of the most popular recycling points wereBSC and Dunn Library.
“There are a lot of newspapers recycled from the studentcenter,” said Leek. “They’re read and recycled or justrecycled.”
Cyd Dyer, the college librarian, said most students areconscientious about recycling.
“They don’t have to pay per print here, but if something isn’tquite what they want they’ll usually toss it in the recyclingcontainers,” said Dyer.
Offices on campus have a way to recycle paper, but nothingelse.
Each building has a recycling container for paper that isemptied into the outdoor bins by Simpson’s custodial staff.
Dyer said she wishes Simpson had a way for employees to recyclemore than just paper.
“[The library staff] takes home things to recycle all the time,”said Dyer. “We do everything we can to not throw anything in thetrash that can be recycled.”
Leek said it was important for everyone to put only the correctmaterial in all recycling bins.
“They cannot recycle it if the load is contaminated, so don’tput food in the recycling,” said Leek.
“If a load is contaminated they dump the whole thing in thelandfill,” said Leek.
According to Leek, the custodial staff plays a crucial role inmaking sure Simpson’s recycling goes smoothly.
“They’re responsible for getting everything to the outsidepick-up points,” said Leek. “They help sort it into the rightplaces.”
Simpson’s waste-removal contract is with McCoy SanitationCorporation.
The company picks up most of the college’s recycling onMondays.
Robin McCoy, the general manager of McCoy SanitationCorporation, said his employees also check to make sure Simpson’srecycling bins are sorted correctly.
“A box of paper in the plastic bin isn’t a big deal,” saidMcCoy.
“My guys watch for it, and if we get too many no-no’s in thebins we’ll call the college and let them know,” McCoy said.