All parking spaces ‘gold’
September 8, 2004
Can’t find a parking spot? Junior Chad Haines can’t.
“There aren’t enough spaces so I’m not going to buy a sticker,”Haines said.
There have been several changes in the parking situation atSimpson College this year.
The Kresge/Barker parking lot has been considerably reduced insize due to the construction that is taking place in Barker.
Also the need for more parking spaces has arisen because ofincreased enrollment. Stephanie Krauth, assistant dean of students,said, “our parking is where you can really see Simpson’s growingpains, but we’re trying to stay ahead of the game.”
Approximately, there are 994 spaces, not including theme houseslots, available to students. 18 of those are handicappedspaces.
So far this semester, about 875 parking permits have been soldalthough the final number is expected to be between 900-950.
In response to the overflow of cars from the Kresge/Barkerparking lot, freshmen residents of Barker and Kresge have beengiven orange permits allowing them to park in the Station Square,baseball and the pool parking lots.
The Kresge/Barker parking lot has been whittled down from the 47spaces originally planned to be accessible during construction toonly 13.
Returning Barker residents have been issued yellow permits whichgrant them access to parking lots closer to the residencehalls.
On the other hand, returning Kresge residents have been issuedred permits instead of yellow permits that allow them access tomore parking lots than in the past.
In order to deal with the increments in enrollment, the house at807 North E Sreet has been demolished as well as the sandvolleyball court to make way for more parking.
By paving the area and using a systematic distribution of theparking lines, the amount of spaces has more than doubled. “Simpsonis currently in the process of trying to arrange parking accordingto student life,” Krauth said.
However, some students are parked without registration or indifferent parking lots than in their appropriate lot. Thesevehicles will likely receive parking tickets.
Ticketing vehicles at Simpson accounts for roughly $30,000 inrevenue, and depending upon the number of parking permits sold,registration of vehicles will account for at least as much.
The money collected from tickets helps to support the securityand parking operations. The registration money goes into a reservefund used for improvements, maintenance and additions toparking.
A future plan to accommodate larger incoming classes is thepossible relocation of the physical plant and the demolition of theold plant to create more parking spaces.
According to Chris Frerichs, director of security, “compared toother [private] schools, Simpson is about where we should be withparking.”
Frerichs also said that students should refer to their parkingbrochures not only for information on where they are allowed topark, but other helpful services provided by the Security Officesuch as the issuance of temporary tags and help with cartrouble.