FlipSide Faces

by Mark Pleiss

Senior Alexi Jameson needed an idea.

She was looking to sell T-shirts to raise money for Simpson Students for Life. Then, suddenly, everything made perfect sense.

Enter the squirrel shirt.

“We wanted to sell a T-shirt we could sell to anyone,” Jameson said. “The squirrel thing was just hilarious. We found a picture of a squirrel that looked cracked-out on drugs and wanted to throw nuts at everyone. We knew it was perfect.”

After starting Simpson Students for Life in September, Jameson has built a group of 15-20 members who are raising money for their pro-life organization. Though Jameson couldn’t find a specific connection between squirrels and the organization, the money raised will go to SSL.

Jameson said the members try to meet once a week. Typically, SSL meets to discuss bringing speakers to campus and raising awareness of the new group.

The group recently held a night of relaxation where participants could act like kids again. Everyone at the meeting got to finger paint, play with Play-Doh and just have a good time.

In her spare time, Jameson enjoys Japanese anime. She feels strongly about superheroes.

“I think Batman is the greatest superhero ever; he could beat Superman’s butt” Jameson said. “Superman is just some alien from outer space. We’d dissect him.”

The English major will be traveling to Scotland next year to attend graduate school in Aberdeen, Scotland.

“It’s the prettiest place in the world,” Jameson said. “It’s where the Garden of Eden was.”