Christian Revival
March 10, 2005
Cup-A Joe is the hot spot on Monday nights for Simpson College students.
An interest in coffee, worship and fellowship isn’t hard to find among the students who attend the weekly alternative worship service called Revive.
Sophomore Nick Webb regularly attends the Revive service.
“I love the atmosphere and enjoy the people who attend on a regular basis,” Webb said. “It’s a good time to hang out with individuals from the Simpson community.”
Revive was started by the Indianola Community Church in Spring 2003. It was held once a month at Cup-A Joe. In Fall 2004, two Simpson students felt the need to make it a weekly occurrence and involve more of the Simpson Community.
Senior Greg Dolmage and junior Jordan Oschwald felt there was a group of students on campus that wasn’t being reached. They decided to do something about it.
“I felt there needed to be an alternative style and approach for students seeking something different than what was available,” Dolmage said. “Our mission is to effectively present the Gospel weekly to college students.”
Dolmage said Revive offers small groups and discipleship opportunities for students to partake in. These groups are designed to promote personal growth and interaction with others.
Revive is not sponsored by RLC; it’s a separate group. The two organizations could be competing for the same attendees, but junior Jon Bailey, president of RLC, said he doesn’t see any competition.
“On a level of religion and theology, there is no competition,” Bailey said. “It offers students another opportunity on campus. There are now two different institutions on campus … but it is not restrictive that you can only go to one or the other, people can, and do, go to both.”
Revive leaders feel the same way.
“I don’t feel there’s any competition at all with campus worship,” Oschwald said. “We do our own thing and so do they; we don’t step on each other’s toes.”
Revive presents opportunities for Christian programming and events on and off campus. It also offers students the ability to make connections with national campus ministry groups, such as Intervarsity and Navigators.
Revive has been part of a life-altering experience for Oschwald.
“The Gospel has radically changed my life in a way that makes me want to see that change in others,” Oschwald said. “That is what we are going for.”