Intramurals plans many activities for May Term
April 17, 2007
May Term intramurals will include a new event this year to go with the backyard theme–water balloon volleyball. The event was brought to the Intramural Council’s attention after it was played during Greek Week last year.
May Term will be kicked-off by jamball, sand volleyball and softball. These events are followed by the backyard competitions of washers and bags, croquet, the obstacle course, mud volleyball, and bocce ball.
There are events off campus as well, such as West Grand Golf putt-putt, four-person best shot at Deer Run, 50 Iowa Cubs tickets for $3, and a fishing tournament at Lake Ahquabi to finish off intramurals.
Events start every day at 8 a.m. and usually go until dark.
The goal of the fishing tournament is to catch the heaviest fish, which will be weighed on a scale and thrown back in the lake.
According to Nicole Darling, assistant director of student activities/intramurals, jamball has drawn the most men and mud volleyball was popular last year as there were 22 teams.
“Students like to get dirty,” Darling said.
Darling hopes for warm weather as the past three years the weather has been bad for the four-person best shot. She said the obstacle course hasn’t been very popular and it could be taken over by water balloon volleyball.
“It’s a one day thing, so it may not fit into people’s schedule,” senior Kim Opatz said.”Students may not know what to expect of an obstacle course either, so they don’t sign-up for it.”
Water balloon volleyball involves a team of six and a water balloon as the volleyball. With team work, students have to catch the waterballoon in a sheet without breaking it.
“It’s not a skilled event, so anyone can do it,” Darling said.
Junior Joe Finocchiaro wants to participate in as many events as he can during May Term. He would like to see water balloon volleyball played before signing up.
“May Term is great for intramurals with the great weather and more time to participate,” Finocchiaro said. “I would like to see more major sports being played during May Term.”
Opatz said there are more events offered during May Term in short period of time compared to the fall and spring semesters. There could be four to five events going on at one time.
“Everybody can play in May, unlike spring or fall, where sports are going on and those athletes can’t participate,” Opatz said.
Darling and the Intramural Council monitor which events are popular.
“We will send out a survey asking people for their opinions,” Darling said. “Then we’ll utilize that information for direction next year.”
Opatz thinks there will be issues to deal with in the future of intramurals.
“Budget cuts will make it harder to include more events in the future,” Opatz said. “The increase in minimum wage will make it harder to get people to work the events, since it will be more money spent on workers.”