5 Questions for Mark Jufferbruch

September 27, 2007
When students think of accounting, chances are that several words come into their head. They may be “hard,” or “challenging,” and some might even say “numbers.” However, this is something that Professor of Accounting Mark Juffernbruch hopes students can see beyond.
“I enjoy working with students, but more specifically, looking at how to help students look at accounting information through the eyes of a business person,” Juffernbruch said. “Hopefully, [students] will see that the class is more than just numbers.”
Among his goals as a teacher, Juffernbruch wants students to begin asking questions, which can help them in the business world, and eventually lead them to start their own business.
“What do you want to do? What can I learn about this business? Getting students to start thinking that way [is important],” Juffernbruch said.
In addition to teaching principals of accounting, cost accounting, auditing and tax, he also majored in that subject when he was in college.
“I received my undergrad at Illinois State University in accounting,” Juffernbruch said. “[After that], I went to the University of Iowa for law school.”
After practicing law for four years, Juffernbruch joined the Simpson faculty and is now in his ninth year. Though teaching is a big part of Juffernbruch’s life, he enjoys his free time as well.
“I spend time with my family and I ride my bike,” Juffernbruch said. “Those are probably the two things I do most during my free time.”
1. The most brilliant invention of the past century was the Internal Revenue Service because it has created full employment for the lawyers.
2. It is better to add than to subtract.
3. I spend the majority of my free time with my family.
4. I had 12 sliders for lunch yesterday.
5. Here are five songs I know all the lyrics to: Every song by Cheap Trick.