5 Questions for Frank Curti
October 9, 2007
Frank Curti, assistant professor of physics, is new to Simpson this year, teaching courses in physics and astronomy.
Curti is originally from Genoa, a small town in southwest Wisconsin. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a Bachelor of science/physics and math. He then moved to New Jersey and attended Rutgers, where he received his Ph.D. in physics. This allowed him to do research and work as a teacher’s assistant.
After getting his Ph.D., Curti then taught physics at Stevens Institute of Technology for three years and at Seton Hall University for five years.
Curti chose to work at Simpson because he wanted to come back to the Midwest. He said he never adjusted to the East coast while living in New Jersey. He likes that Simpson focuses on teaching, while at the same time he can do research.
When Curti isn’t teaching classes or doing research, he likes to go on short trips with his wife, Gabrielle, and 3-year-old, Everett. They enjoy going on local trips to places like Lake Ahquabi and the Boone Railroad. He also likes going out to eat with his family and especially likes ethnic foods.
Curti, in his spare time does amateur astronomy, which he really enjoys.