Beyond entertainment, CAB gives students chance to get involved

September 18, 2008
Simpson’s Campus Activities Board has traditionally offered students on campus the opportunity get involved and seems to continue to grow in popularity every year.
Rich Ramos, assistant dean of students & CAB adviser, said the organization is a great opportunity for freshmen and upper-classmen to get involved on campus.
“I definitely think it is a good organization for students because they can be seriously involved by holding an office, or they can be very little involved with just going to meetings,” Ramos said. “As much as we would like to see students totally involved, we know that’s not for everyone. Everyone wants different levels of involvement.”
Amanda Yanchury, junior and co-president of CAB, has been involved in the organization since the first Wednesday night of her freshman year and said everyone should get involved in some way on campus.
“I found out about CAB because roommates were going to the meeting, and I wanted to check it out and find out how I could make a difference,” Yanchury said. “I’ve made many memories being involved in this organization, but my favorite was the NACA Conference in 2007 in Nashville, Tennessee.”
NACA, National Association of Campus Activities,is an annual conference in which colleges have the opportunity to book new bands, comedians and many other activities that college students would be interested in.
This year’s conference will also be held in Nashville. Students earn their way to NACA by attending all CAB meetings as well as working a set number of hours at events.
Sarah Harl, junior and concert co-chair, has been involved with CAB since the beginning of her sophomore year. Harl helps in planning and organizing the concerts that come to campus and perform on the weekends.
Harl feels this office holds many responsibilities, as well as many challenges.
“The biggest challenge with the concerts office is getting people excited to see the concerts on campus, because they’re not big named bands so people miss out on a lot of cool bands,” Harl said. “We have already implemented in making sampler CDs for students so they can hear the artist before the band comes to campus. This will be a great way to get people excited about coming to see the concerts.”
At the weekly meetings members talk about the upcoming week’s events, bring up new and creative ideas to the rest of the organization and volunteer to work the different events held throughout the week.
Ramos feels there is room for improvement with the organization.
“There are always new things I would like to do,” Ramos said. “I would like for us to do more in Des Moines, like figuring out how to plan a shuttle that goes from Indianola to Des Moines every weekend.”
Ramos says that part of figuring out what events and programs to add to the CAB schedule is simply hearing them from the students.
“We’re as close to downtown Des Moines as people in the suburb areas are, and I think the key is finding out what students want to do and not what I am into,” he said. “I may really hate the idea, but if a student likes it and it works in the budget, I am okay with it, as much as I hate it. It’s an organization for students. Yeah, there may be some things that don’t work, but it’s run by students for students.”
A new idea that the CAB Executive Council has come up with this year is to keep track of student attendance at CAB events. Every time students attend a CAB sponsored event their student ID cards will be scanned, and at the end of the semester those who’ve attended the most events will receive prizes. The top prize this semester is $500 towards books for next semester
CAB meets every Wednesday night at 6 p.m. in Camp Lounge of the BSC.