Up ‘Til Dawn begins fundraising drive
October 22, 2008
The 3rd annual letter writing party for Up Til’ Dawn will be held on Oct. 28 from 5 to 10 p.m. in Great Hall.
Up ‘Til Dawn is an event that supports St. Jude’s Children Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. and was founded by Danny Thomas, who believed all children deserved a chance at life.
The letter-writing portion of the event is held every fall on campus with a finale party sometime in the spring.
The money that is raised through this event has made a big difference in the lives of the children at this hospital.
“The money we raise helps in many ways,” Tiffany Espelund, senior and executive board co-president, said. “No patient at St. Jude’s ever has to pay. Living, treatment, food, transportation, even band-aids are free. The money also helps researchers focus on their research, finding cures for cancer and other deadly illnesses for children and not on grants to fund their research.”
Some students believe this event has had a very positive effect on campus as well as off.
“In my mind, this is the best event of its kind for students to be involved in,” junior Sarah Harl said. “It takes an hour or two and fifty addresses, and simply by addressing a pre-written letter to family and friends, you can feel good about supporting an amazing organization and some extraordinary kids and families.”
Harl said the event also speaks well of Simpson students.
“By participating in this campaign along with other colleges across the nation, Simpson shows that its students are becoming people of exceptional character who understand the implications of helping children,” Harl said. “This campaign is a very real example of the service learning that Simpson works so hard to instill in its students.”
Up ‘Til Dawn was started on campus three years and has grown exponentially since and now is controlled by an executive board.
“Up ‘Til Dawn was started by the Delta Delta Delta sorority three years ago to help St. Judes,” junior Maren Landers, executive board member, said. “The executive board puts on the letter-writing party and the finale (where we announce the total money raised).”
Positions for the executive board open in the spring, following the finale.
“After the finale, during spring semester, students can apply by filling out an application,” Espelund said. “Within the application students must select different positions within the executive board that they would be interested in. From there interviews will be conducted and selections will be made.”
All who attend the letter-writing party are invited to the finale, which will be held sometime in mid-March.
Up ‘Til Dawn encourages everyone to come out and help a good cause and make a difference in the lives of the young people St. Jude’s Hospital tries helping everyday.