Students host holiday fund-raisers

December 3, 2008
Simpson’s Education Club and Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity were among groups that recently sponsored holiday fund-raisers as their way of providing holiday cheer to both the local community and people world-wide.
The Education Club worked with Children and Family Urban Ministries, CFUM, a group that works out of a shelter in Des Moines, to collect donations and gifts that will directly benefit the children and families that attend programs provided by CFUM.
“I think it’s a really good way to give back to the community,” senior Erin Bettazza, an Education Club officer, said. “You can also help little kids at the same time.”
Senior Shannen Prust, also an Education Club officer, agrees about the fund-raiser.
“I personally like the idea of giving to this organization,” Prust said. “Simpson College already does a lot with them through Literacy Club and Breakfast Club. I felt like the Education Club could help out by providing these things to them this holiday.”
Dec. 1 was the last day to donate in Wallace under the Christmas tree, and Sharon Jensen, associate professor in education and Education Club adviser, said that the fund-raiser was successful this year.
“It’s been successful up to this point,” Jensen said. “We chose this fundraiser because the college, specifically the Religious Life Council, has had a relationship with this group, and we chose to add to this college’s support by getting donations of items listed on their Web site.”
The Education Club was not the only Simpson group to participate in spreading the holiday cheer. Lambda Chi Alpha participated in their annual holiday fund-raiser of Operation Christmas Child.
Operation Christmas Child gives gifts to children worldwide. Students fill a shoebox with items such as hygiene products, school supplies and toys.
“The biggest benefit, for me, would be being able to make their day with small gifts that will affect them for months,” junior Kasey Peters, Lambda Chi Alpha external vice president, said.
Lambda Chi Alpha has been participating in this fundraiser for at least the last five years and plans to continue with this fund-raiser in the future.
“I, personally, think we’ve had a lot of success,” Peters said. “The places that receive these gifts appreciate them so much more than people here do because people here have the everyday things.”
While both of these fund-raisers are over, both groups guarantee that the meaning of the gifts will last longer than the donation boxes on campus.
“I love the fundraising opportunities on campus,” Peters said. “You are able to give the gift of Christmas to someone who wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to celebrate it.”