Kate Tillotson

January 28, 2009
Kate Tillotson, a senior transfer student from the University of Iowa, has a certain passion for the environment. Tillotson has been involved in many things around campus, including serving as president of the Environmental Awareness Club and as an active member of the Simpson Sustainability Committee, which is devoted to fulfilling President Byrd’s commitment for campus becoming carbon neutral in twenty years. She is also a member of Alpha Phi Omega and Beta Beta Beta.
Tillotson transferred to Simpson last year and became involved right away. The EAC was something she took very seriously.
“I was a member of the club last year, which was the first year of the club,” Tillotson said. “As an active member, I was a part of the recycling pilot program and other programs that I wanted to see continued, as did other members of the club.”
Tillotson has impressed many people around campus with her leadership qualities, and they are very excited to see her become president of such an organization.
“I think Kate is a perfect fit for that office,” Jeff Parmelee, associate professor of biology, said. “She is intelligent, organized and deeply committed to helping the environment.”
Tillotson’s leadership follows her into the classroom as well.
“Kate is great to have in class: scary-smart, always doing work of exceptional quality, wonderful to interact with and seemingly interested and curious about whatever biological topic I cover,” Parmelee said.
Tillotson became interested in becoming president of EAC after being involved in the organization for just a short time.
“I want to enhance student involvement in green initiatives on campus,” Tillotson said. “There are several students that are very devoted to projects on campus and in the community and many members that participate in our activities. I would love to see more students actively involved in initiatives like recycling.”
Tillotson has big plans for EAC and said everyone can expect a big impact on campus from this organization.
“EAC has been putting up signs showing simple ways to save energy and signs asking people to turn off the lights,” Tillotson said. “Of course, none of this is possible without the other officers or other members of the club. As this is only the second year of the EAC’s existence, we are just getting established, but there is a lot of potential.”