Take advantage before it’s too late

Take advantage before it's too late

by Drew RiebhoffFlipside Editor

Last week was the best homecoming week I’ve seen in my four years at Simpson. While it was an exciting time, it was also bitter sweet.

I am now at the stage in my college life where everything I do from here on out is my last time and it’s slightly depressing. I am no in way ready to leave this campus. But, as I think back to my previous three years, I really don’t have any Simpson regrets. I don’t think there’s been too many times where I think “I wish I would have”, but unfortunately there are actually a lot of people out there like that and I am here today to encourage all my underclassmen friends not to be that way. I’m telling you to take advantage of Simpson now, start creating your “Simpson Experience” today, before it’s too late.