Dunn Library Puts Toes Together for Good Cause

October 7, 2010
Ovarian cancer, or the “silent killer,” affects an estimated one in every 58 women and many in Dunn Library are anything but silent about it.
Sheila Allbee, Karin Hooper, Cyd Dyer, Mary Peterson, Terry Trunnell and Liz Grimsbo all came together to support their close friend and co-worker Kristi Ellingson who has ovarian cancer.
Since Ellingson was diagnosed, her co-workers and friends have come together to show their love and support.
“I have a big ol’ banner in my car supporting her, Team Bald Eagle,” Circulation Supervisor Karin Hooper said.
Media Service Manager Sheila Allbee is a big advocate for raising awareness for ovarian cancer. Recently, she read about Teal Toes, a foundation that raises money by having people paint their toenails the official color of ovarian cancer awareness.
With the help of Brandi Larson, local nail technician and owner of Professional Bodyworks, Allbee brought Teal Toes to Indianola.
“Sheila called me and asked if I would be willing to be a part of it, and I was like what are you talking about,” Larson said. “I had never heard of it before, but I think it’s neat that they’re supporting Kristi.”
Not all of the ladies went to Professional Bodyworks to get their toenails done. The great thing about Teal Toes is that you can paint your toes yourself and still raise awareness.
Many people have asked Allbee about her toes and she gladly tells anyone who asks about the project.
“Kristi’s been a big advocate for it as well, and she’s been a spokesperson when she’s been well enough to be able to do that,” Allbee said.
These ladies have come together before to raise money to help fight ovarian cancer. For the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition they raised around $75,000. Then, for Kristi’s personal site they raised around $1,500.
Another hope the women have is to keep participating in the Break the Silence walk and also have a personal walk on Kristi’s behalf. Allbee said that she wants to get people on campus together to show Kristi how much support she has. Allbee hopes to get the walk together soon before the weather changes.
Anyone interested in the personal walk for Kristi should contact Sheila Allbee in Dunn Library for more information.
To get your very own Teal Toes pedicure go to Professional Bodyworks, located on Ashland Ave. in Indianola. The pedicure is $35 and $5 goes toward ovarian cancer research, and Larson is offering the deal through the month of October.