Giving back to the community, growing as a brotherhood

by The men of Lambda Chi Alpha

The men of Lambda Chi Alpha have kicked off the school year with community service.

Along with all the rest of Greek life, we took part in the Annual Freshman Move-In day. Other community service projects that we have taken upon ourselves these past two weeks include Adopt-A-Highway and the travelingDignity Memorial Vietnam Wall; thus, bringing our total to 158 hours of community service as a house.

We continue to look for opportunities everywhere to offer a helping hand and we are making a serious effort to show how much, not only Lambda Chi, but Greek Life at Simpson can be involved in the Indianola community.

As mentioned above, this year of service “officially” began with a bunch of our Lambda Chi brothers cleaning up a three-mile stretch on US Highway 65/69 North. Adopt-A-Highway had been an annual community service project in the past for Lambda Chi Alpha, so the chapter wanted to bring back to life that tradition and keep it going for the future.

Aside from the influence of tradition, we wanted to give back to the community. Picking up trash on the side of a highway may seem a minor accomplishment, but Lambda Chi Alpha believes that any amount of service and help can make a difference. Going out on that Saturday morning with all the brothers of the house offered a chance to have fun with each other as well as time to bond as a house – all the while improving the appearance of nature alongside US-65/69.

As a house our goal is to reach 850 hours of community service this semester. We understand that this is a lofty goal but we know this can be more than accomplished. Service and stewardship is one of our Seven Core Values as men of Lambda Chi Alpha. We believe that it is our duty to be good stewards to the community and everyone around us.

By planning more brotherhood community service projects, it is our hope to continue to nurture true brotherhood while contributing to the community in numerous, positive ways.