Staff spotlight: Matt Hansen
Simpson College Marketing Department
Matt Hansen is the new director of Dean of Students / Director of Residence Life.
September 8, 2021
Q: What is your educational background?
A: I attended Macalester College, which is a small private liberal arts school in St Paul, Minn. I completed a bachelor’s degree in speech communication, then I worked as a call manager for three years before going to graduate school and went to the University of Maine and got a degree in higher education administration.
Q: What is your official title at Simpson?
A: I am the director of Dean of Students / Director of Residence Life. So I oversee Residence Life, Security and Student Activities at Simpson.
Q: What made you choose Simpson?
A: I had known Luke Behaunek for years, and I had actually done an external review of the Residence Life Department in 2012 on Luke’s behalf. I was impressed, so I kept my eyes on it. I have two children, Hannah is 23 and teaches in Brooklyn, New York, and our son is a sophomore, Jacob. He’s 20, and he’s in college at the University of South Florida. My wife and I are now empty-nesters, so we started looking, and Simpson was an excellent opportunity and an excellent fit.
Q: What are your future goals at Simpson?
A: I would like to learn a lot more about the culture, processes and procedures at Simpson. It is very unusual for me to not know the little details. I need to make sure that I meet the needs of the programs, the staff and the students.
Q: What are your hobbies outside of work?
A: I tinker with gardening and feeding and watching birds. We bought a place on the bike trail, so we are going to be doing a lot of walking and maybe some biking. I also am a Green Bay Packers fan.