CAB adjusts events for COVID-19

Ethan Humble

Comedian Ronnie Jordan performed in front of Smith Chapel on Monday night. He was the first of the CAB’s lineup for the fall 2020 semester.

by Ethan Humble, Staff Reporter

The Campus Activities Board encourages students to attend their pandemic-friendly events to allow the welcome back to campus that feels normal during the orange phase of Simpson’s COVID-19 protocol.

CAB President Mackenzie Ritscher stated that planning events during the orange phase will consist primarily of outdoor and online events.

“Planning freshmen Bingo was really crazy. Trying to figure out the logistics of the event in the orange phase was difficult,” Ritscher said.

 However, the changing of phase color would alleviate a lot of difficulties in planning the CAB events. Once in the yellow phase, CAB is hoping to host events with higher capacities and possibly some indoor activities as the procedures allow.

“We’re really trying to be adaptable with going to either red or yellow,” Ritscher said. “We’re taking it month by month as changes happen.” 

Following the protocols set forth by Simpson is a priority for CAB. Ritscher acknowledges that ensuring the safety of all people involved is vital to the events’ successes.

All CAB events are requiring ticket reservations for contact tracing and to promote the safety of all event attendees. The sign-up only requires an email, and the students can then choose their seats in order to sit with those they may already be in close contact with to limit exposure.

“In case someone did test positive for COVID-19, we’d be able to contact those people sitting around them,” Ritscher said.

 Sanitation stations, masks, and an ultraviolet sanitizing light cleaner are among a few different ways that CAB is making sure all students feel comfortable while attending the events.

The CAB President wants to reassure students that they should still have hope in student life around campus despite the many changes caused by COVID.

 “I think we have to keep the Simpson community going even though it is a hard time, eventually things will get easier,” Ritscher said.

CAB Advisor Rich Ramos feels that CAB events have become especially labor-intensive since the shift to life during a pandemic.

“The biggest challenge overall is trying to keep students engaged in campus events even though we can’t have that much face-to-face,” Ramos said.

 He discussed the lengthy preparations that come with making a CAB event a success when following extra safety protocol.

“We’re having to be very careful about what we want to do and how we’re doing it. The student leaders of CAB have really stepped up to make it all work,” he said.

Ramos encourages students to stay patient during these tough times and remember that this can all only last so long.

Students wanting to get involved with CAB can contact President Mackenzie Ritscher or Adviser Rich Ramos. CAB also has their event schedules and additional information on their Twitter page @SimpCoCAB, Instagram account @SimpCoCAB, and Facebook account Simpson College Campus Activities Board.