Senior Spotlight: Courtney Craig

by Danielle Blake, Staff Reporter

Q: Where are you from?

A: I graduated from Winterset High School in Iowa.


Q: What made you decide to come to Simpson?

A: Spencer Waugh and the debate team. I actually was not even looking at Simpson. I was committed to Grand View, then my parents had me take a tour here and kept pushing me to go here. Then Spencer kept emailing me, so here I am.


Q: What are some things you’re involved with on campus?

A: Speech and debate, I did SGA for a year. I did CAB for a year. I’m part of the Alumni Association. Also, the Mentor Program.


Q: What are some things you’re involved with off-campus?

A: I’m involved in a lot of political stuff off campus, the Youth Professional Counsel and a lot of networking events. I’m on the board of directors on the humanities board of Iowa.


Q: What are you studying?

A: I’m a political science and human services major, with a psychology minor.


Q: What are your goals after you graduate?

A: To be a lobbyist. It’s what I’m currently doing at the capital and I love it. I got a lobbyist internship last spring, which led me to get a second lobbyist internship in the spring as well. Those internships led me to the LS2 group this summer which is a public relations and political science firm in Des Moines. That’s where I’m at right now. I’ll be back at the capitol with another lobbyist this spring.


Q: What’s something you’re going to miss the most about Simpson?

A: The connections. I like being able to come to Kent and see someone I know. Or hanging out and just talking. Sometimes my internships get very fast paced and professional, being at Simpson is very laid back and friendly.


Q: What is your favorite memory from Simpson?

A: My roommate once poured the fire extinguisher all over my boyfriend.