Performing Arts House puts on first Underground of the year

by Ann Haakonson, Staff Reporter

The Performing Arts house put on the first Underground of the year in collaboration with First Amendment week on Sept. 20.

The Underground is a cabaret style event hosted by members of the house. Students from all over campus are encouraged to go and perform. This time it was held in Black Box instead of Barnum Studio theater in BPAC. Around 100 people showed up to the event. 

Zoe Murphy, a senior theater major and member of the PA house, was one of six  in charge of making sure the Underground went off without a hitch.

“It’s tradition. This has been going on for 25 years, and it has always been done by the PA house, so we’re just carrying on the tradition and letting students just be free with their art and just show us what they have and to feel proud of their talents,” said Murphy.

There were 11 performers at the Underground. Students are allowed to do whatever they want while on the stage. Some people read poems, some danced and one even did a horoscope reading.

“I thought collaborating with First Amendment week was just a great idea because of it’s nature,” said Murphy. “The Underground is just a free speech event so why not advertise it more and have more students get to know what it is. If there are students who aren’t in music and theatre, they can learn what it is and also showcase their talents here, because it is a safe space.”

Those who attended the Underground appeared to be engaged with what was happening on stage. They were laughing, clapping and responded when prompted to what was happening on the stage. Though it appeared some performances got more of a reaction than others.

Senior Jacob Lay, a music performance major, was one student in the audience at underground. 

“I’ve been coming to the underground since my freshman year, it’s always a huge mix of talent, and hilarious stuff. The PA house members are always great,” Lay said. 

Students are encouraged to do anything they want at The Underground. Since this Underground was in collaboration with First Amendment week, senior Mollie Juehring, a music performance major and political science minor, read aloud her favorite supreme court cases that had something to do with the First Amendment.

“I normally sing at the underground. I have for the past few years, funny things and comedic things. Then I was like it’s First Amendment week, and I should read some of my favorite court cases that would allow me to say expletives,” Juehring said.