Weekly Wellness
March 27, 2003
With the weather being as nice as it has been, a person inevitably finds him or herself spending more and more time outside.
Whether because of track practice or a study group in Buxton Park, now that the weather has finally turned to sunshine and warm temperatures, activities are bound to go outdoors.
If you are looking for fun ways to exercise and work on your tan, here are five ways to do so. Enjoy the Texas-like temperatures, and don’t forget to wear sunscreen.
Find a pooch
For a guaranteed brisk walk and perhaps a little incentive to keep up the pace, take a dog for a walk. Ask local professors if you could walk their dog or go to the local animal shelter (located right in front of Wal-Mart) and ask to walk a dog. Granted it’s not your family canine, but dogs are fun and a good conversation starter when you walk by that cute guy or girl.
Mud or sand volleyball
Depending on the moisture, either one of these could be available. Volleyball is a great way to tone your legs and arms, as well as have a good time. Get a group of friends together and hit the court, complete with cold beverages and a ball.
There is a volleyball court on E street right next to the theme houses.
Touch football
Move over boys, girls can play this, too. Grab a group of people, and head out to Buxton Park to try your arm at those long passes. Football is not only fun, but also burns many calories because you are running, blocking and, if played correctly, almost constantly moving. For even more fun, try a coed game and see who wins.
Yard work
OK, so maybe this isn’t the most fun way to spend an afternoon, but it will burn many calories. Raking, planting flowers, digging and mowing the lawn are all very good ways to use many muscle groups that you wouldn’t normally use.
I guarantee that the next day, you will be able to feel it all over, especially in the arms and back.
This isn’t exactly a new form of outdoor exercise, but it is still one of the best ways to tone thighs and buttocks. By staying in a crouched position (think downhill skiing) these muscles are constantly being used.
Again, you should be able to feel this the next day. For an even better workout, and one that is more fun, try going out on the hills by the Indianola Country Club or the new Heritage Estates development.
These are just a few of the things that you can do to stay in shape outside. Go with a group of friends and things are always bound to be more fun.
Get outside and enjoy the beautiful days.