Spandex shorts explained
September 17, 2003
Female athletics sometimes does not get the respect it deserves. It seems like they always seem to play second fiddle to the more testosterone driven male sports.
However, this perspective needs to be changed based on the fact that it is wrong. If anyone has ever watched a women’s athletic event, they would know that these young ladies are as intense as any male athlete. For example: a lot of tim spent watching ladies’ volleyball the attention is detracted from the game by the uniform, but it is important to remember these women are top-notch athletes and that is what all the excitement should be about.
Playing for the Lady Storm volleyball team are two seniors who have spent a great deal of their valuable time on the court.
Rachael Spree is a 21-year-old elementary education/liberal arts major from Parkersburg, Iowa, who started her volleyball career at an early age. She grew up watching her sisters and cousin play, and then she went to one of her older sisters’ college games and decided that she needed that intensity, so she headed to Simpson.
With good prospects for the team, goals that include making the Lady Storm undefeated conference champions, and a wedding to plan, Rachael is a very busy lady–but not too busy to stop taking her sets on the left side from Liz Whims.
Whims is a 21-year-old management and economics major from North Kossuth High School (near Algona) who plans on heading to law school after she graduates.
“How did I get into volleyball? …My dad was a coach, I was athletically inclined, and I guess I like volleyball,” Whims said. “I’ve been counting points since I was in the womb, so I guess it was only natural for me to get into it.”
Maintaining a social life and a romantic relationship, playing volleyball, and preparing to attend law school, Whims is another busy lady.
Now, time for the question everyone seems to be curious about: What’s with the shorts?
“Honestly, they make us play better. There is just something about the micro-fiber polyester/spandex blend that puts us on another plane,” jokes Whim.
So, no matter what you are doing this Friday night, if you appreciate athleticism, go out and support Simpson athletics and don’t forget to check up on the Lady Storm volleyball team.