In defense of sex
December 4, 2003
Whether you are 17, 75 or somewhere in between, I ask you not toignore what is simply a part of everyone’s life: sex.
The subject may be broached in many possible ways, in either afun, positive light, or one that is frowned upon.
As most students and faculty have noticed, this column hascaused quite a stir around campus, which is not necessarily a badthing. Many wonder where the topics and/or knowledge of this columncome from, which is a logical question. However, if anyone were toturn on the TV, walk through a checkout line, or open up theirears, they would realize that indeed the topic of sex, in many waysand fashions, is all around us.
Personally, I think that those who look down upon this sort ofcolumn are those who are uncomfortable with their own sexuality andself. It does take confidence to say the ‘s’ word, to participatein those kinds of activities, and to talk about it. I will not denyit is a sensitive subject that The Simpsonian audience is onlywarming to.
However, if a person were to read student publications fromother colleges, as close as Iowa State, or as far away as FloridaState, they would realize the topic of sex can be much more racythan what you all have read.
It is undeniable to say that the general public thinks, talksabout and engages in sexual activity. To debate that would befoolish, as we can all look at teen pregnancy polls and the salesof Viagra. As the economy adapts to these changes, so does society,accepting these new ‘norms’ bit by bit.
When your grandparents were in high school, teen pregnancy wasalmost unheard of. If it did happen, the girl was shunned, andsometimes sent away to have her child. Today, teen mothers are verymuch a part of high school and college years, and they are acceptedin most every way.
As a society, we have made great strides in acceptance andtolerance of many things, including sex education, knowledge ofsexual health and prevention methods important for the young andold.
As I write this column every week, I draw not from my ownexperiences, but from what I hear around me. Most often, the topicsI write about are also those presented in Cosmopolitan, Maxim or onTV shows like “The View,” “Friends” and the ever-popular “Sex inthe City.”
Simpson, as I write this for the last time, many of you will bethankful, but I also hope that many of you will realize that myarticle did not cut down the credibility of The Simpsonian, itseditors or the other writers. It is simply a matter of opinion andtaste as to who reads what.
In the future, I would hope this audience, be it prospectivestudent or contributing alumni, take things like this sex columnwith a more open mind. It is part of our lives as healthy, young,college students and to deny that is just shutting your eyes. Soopen them and accept the different and bold opinions that arearound you.